Response to Connor


You are right about the huge amount of information provided by these assignments.  I was very surprised by the number of animals that are domesticated as well.  Is this value so low because we are unable to domesticate other animals, or do they not provide enough benefit for the effort?  I understand why it is difficult to domesticate zebras in recent history due to their flighty attitude as a response to predators.  I wonder if there was an ideal time in which Zebras could have been domesticated, before they became flighty in response to predators.  I’m sure if cows had never been domesticated, attempting it now would be more difficult.

The importance and effects of evolution really impressed me as well.  I could not believe that evolution played a part in the Cold War with wheat production.  As you said it seems that all subjects are becoming intertwined, with evolution serving as one of the common denominators.  The struggle between the evolution of humans and the evolution of other species like pathogens surprised me as well.  It is strange to think that we still struggle and spend so much money and resources on something so small because of evolution.  I wonder if this will go on indefinably or if one can truly out evolve the other?  I see no end to evolution or the complete dominance of a species that can evolve such as pathogens.

In my post I wondered why less developed countries are still that way.  Part of the reason may be that under developed countries make it easier for developed countries to thrive (outsourcing and things like that).  I hope this is not the case and that resources can eventually be shared equally once we solve the problem of depleting pools of resources.

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