Comment on Biracial or Biethnic? by Allie

I love the way you break down some of the difficult to talk about parts of the conversation on race. I espevially love this point—“Because I’m brown that doesn’t make me a diversity expert or an expert on race.” Have you ever read a book called, This Bridge Called My Back editted by feminist anthology edited by Cherríe Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúa? Its all about—‘don’t make me your bridge to understanding’ from perspectives of women of color. I think its a really powerful text.

Comment on Diversity in the classroom: Bigotry and why Race matters by Allie

As a white female, I have struggled with how to tslk sbout race too, but it is important. No important historical change has been made by just one group being politically engaged. I can see why the term colorblindness in contentious though. Colorblindness can be damaging because it can justify the argument, “I dont see color (thus i dont see injustice). But I think what Patrick was arguing is that justice should so effective that the character of a person determines justice, not their skin color.