Comment on professionals are still human beings by Sevda

Hi, Kadie. Thanks for the post. Yes, you are right all of us are human beings and none of us are more perfect than the other. When we think like that, it is easy to accept that the classroom is a learning environment for all of us, even for professors. Everybody in the classroom is equal and anybody can learn from another person regardless of the role.

Comment on “Professional” by Sevda

Thanks for the post, Allie. I totally agree with you. Educators are different than machines, so we should not behave like machines. We, of course, should express or discuss our thoughts and believes with students. The only critical part here is being respectful to their beliefs and try not to expose our own beliefs to them. Creating a safe environment in the classroom is critical and important most of the time for having that conversation with them for sure.

Comment on Teaching for the 21st Century – Connecting the Dots by Sevda

Thanks for the post, Bailey. I totally agree what you said here, but I am not sure if the reality would be the same as Chris said. Yeah, if students cannot apply whatever they learned in the classroom to real-world problems, we cannot say that learning process was successful enough. Students should find some new ways to solve those problems or create some solutions to solve them, instead of bringing up some memorized information. And we are the people who can make that difference in the education system as educators as you said.

Comment on Teachers and Learners – Critical Pedagogy by Sevda

Thanks for the post. Yes, I think you are right because it is easy to fall that trap to educators. Even if everybody knows that the critical pedagogy is more beneficial for students, still it might be hard to apply this concept to the class sometimes. Also, people’s expectations also on that direction and most people think that teachers’ role in a class is being an authority and their duties are only giving the required information to students. but the right way is always knowing that the learning process never ends and we can never know who will teach us or where. In other words, regardless of the roles, teacher or student, a classroom is a learning environment and everybody can learn something new if we can create a suitable environment/concept as you said.