Comment on Pedagogy Has A Context Outside Of The Classroom by Debarati Basu

I really agree with your thought. If students are not shown how the concepts taught within the four walls of the classroom are linked to the outside world, students cannot make the connection and they cannot get motivated to learn the subject. Again vice versa for a outside classroom activity if students are not shown or do not understand how they can use the classroom knowledge to solve a problem, then the knowledge they gain might not be useful. So facilitating both inside and outside class activity becomes an important consideration in a pedagogical context.

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Comment on Essentially historical Freire by A. Nelson

Thank you for your comment, George. For me, Freire is less about the “breakthough” and more about transformation. He enjoined his followers not to “import” his ideas but to reinvent them. He realized that context (the existing state of affairs) was essential, contingent, and historical. My hunch (and hope) is that in the coming years the “banking model” will fall to the wayside. I do agree that students should be the subjects of their education — even, or rather especially, if experimentation is involved.

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Comment on We Are Different, But Yet We Are Also The Same by kt.ayers@vt

I like the idea of bridging differences, but I’m not sure I buy it. By trying to be “colorblind” or not see male or female, we end up reverting to the default (in America it’s the white, straight, cisgender, middle-class man) many times. I think this is where the idea of intersectionality comes in – respecting differences while understanding the ways in which those differences play out in our lived experiences.


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Comment on We Are Different, But Yet We Are Also The Same by kt.ayers@vt

I like the idea of bridging differences, but I’m not sure I buy it. By trying to be “colorblind” or not see male or female, we end up reverting to the default (in America it’s the white, straight, cisgender, middle-class man) many times. I think this is where the idea of intersectionality comes in – respecting differences while understanding the ways in which those differences play out in our lived experiences.


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Comment on Inquiry is at the core of students’ essence by fdelamota

Hi James. Recently in another pedagogy class it was mentioned that at about age 19 students are ready for critical thinking learning. I do not know much about cognitive development, but that milestone of 19 y.o. pretty much lines up with college education. In which case, yes, your point about sme basic initial content must be taught – the traditional way I suppose? And I also agree with your last sentence: teaching students to think critically can be challenging when they have been raised in the banking system, so they are expecting a regular lecture presentation.


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Comment on Inquiry is at the core of students’ essence by fdelamota

Hi James. Recently in another pedagogy class it was mentioned that at about age 19 students are ready for critical thinking learning. I do not know much about cognitive development, but that milestone of 19 y.o. pretty much lines up with college education. In which case, yes, your point about sme basic initial content must be taught – the traditional way I suppose? And I also agree with your last sentence: teaching students to think critically can be challenging when they have been raised in the banking system, so they are expecting a regular lecture presentation.


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