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Comment on Gopnik’s Galore by A. Nelson

Some wonderful material here, but I’m not clear on your sources. The video links to a send-up of “squatting”? What other sources did you use?

Comment on The Singing Revolution by A. Nelson

Also — Thanks for the crosspost to your blog about the educational system in Estonia! The exclusionary citizenship laws and schooling practices are so complicated in the Post-Soviet Baltic states.

Comment on The Disappearing Villages of the Soviet Union by A. Nelson

The “dying village” in the Soviet Union has so much in common with the vanishing family farm in the US. (Think about the “fly over states”….). That poster is terrific — especially the new breed of long-legged chickens (adapted to the mud!).

Comment on AIDS and the “high-risk” group. by A. Nelson

Sadly, I think you are correct — that information doesn’t translate into knowledge when bias is involved. I struggle with that recognition all the time. I’m so impressed with the research you did in the Current Digest for this post, which is a perfect companion to Emma’s discussion of how the Soviets manipulated public opinion about the epidemic before they were forced to concede that it wasn’t an American conspiracy. I learned a lot from reading this. Thanks!

Comment on Say No to Alcohol by A. Nelson

You’ve found some good resources in the Current Digest for this post. And I like the way you discuss how interconnected the economic and social aspects of limiting the alcohol supply were.

Comment on I’m Not Drunk, You’re Drunk! by A. Nelson

Agree! The Tsar briefly tried something like this during WWI, but with terrible results.I really like the way you (Anderson) discuss the anti-alcohol campaign as a social and economic challenge. And great reference to the conversion of Rus’!

Comment on The Sobering Truth by A. Nelson

I think it sort-of worked. But it also prompted a huge uptick in bathtub breweries/ distilleries. One reason sugar was rationed in these late 80s was because so much of it was diverted toward moonshine production!