Comment on The more you bring yourself to your teaching, the better teacher you will be! by Lehi Dowell

Good afternoon Ali,

I had this very discussion on Saturday at the CIDER conference! We were asked to write down three things that we though would help facilitate getting “the message across” to students. While others wrote down new technology, building infrastructure/etc I had written down: 1) Teach what you love!! 2) Be real!! 3) Accountability!! It truly comes down to how well the instructor can break boundaries and create a bond with the students.


Cheers, Lehi


Comment on Sweeter carrot and sharper stick by Lehi Dowell

Good afternoon Ali,

YES, really enjoyed reading your blog for reasons I’m sure I don’t have to explain. Academic bullying has taken on larger than life proportions in graduate studies primarily because “if I had to go through this then so do you” mentality. However, it takes open and frank discussions to plant the seeds of change and thankfully we are allowed freedom of speech (thus far) to have those discussions. Part of the power dynamic at play loses it’s control when horror stories are verbalized, because, some professors are completely oblivious to it. Loved it!


Cheers, Lehi


Comment on Can “we” practice change in education? by Lehi Dowell

Good afternoon Patrick,

I absolutely agree with you in that the basics must be covered and taught so the students have a solid foundation. Without that, I’m not really sure what the point of teaching would be! There is some wiggle room on how to communicate those basics and certainly adapting the material for the current audience would be most appropriate. I was a guest lecturer the other day on recruitment and part of my presentation was on “drug testing” and the students LOVED it! From my experience you would be (or not) surprised at how many of my perspective employees failed the test and then failed out of the system. That is a record that will never go away no matter when they apply again for a job in the same company. I spun stories of hard knock truths and that I would even give my candidates a fair warning. Needless to say, I can guarantee a majority of the students will always remember my lecture on the importance of drug tests and that didn’t come from a boring book!


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Mind Full …, Or Mindful? by Lehi Dowell

Showering is one of my favorite things to do twice a day. But, you are correct, I really don’t enjoy it like I mindfully should. It’s a time of stress release as all my troubles go down the drain and my sleepy brain starts to wake up for the day or tire down for the evening. Occasionally, I’ll lather up with a sponge brush and on those shower days my skin tingles for hours afterwards, and, I actually remember my shower at a later point in the day. I LOVE the dogs thought bubble….it’s so true!! Great post!


Cheers, Lehi.

Comment on Why are we taught to be sheep? by Lehi Dowell

LOL! Sheep are easily controlled and give us clothing as a bi product. Imagine trying to raise bears for the same reason. Don’t our professors love the nice gentle sheep?!?!? It’s all good, I have never minded being a black sheep because friction is caused by changes on a molecular level…..we have to start somewhere! 🙂


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Not another Bruno grammy by Lehi Dowell

Good afternoon Selva,

I think your eccentric professor and I would get along!! I like his style! LOL! The problem with “having an adult conversation….” is we are talking about some undergraduate students who aren’t quite ready to adult yet. It would be great if they could all just follow along with the power points, but, they honestly don’t because they get bored and want to multitask.


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Higher Education Isn’t Child’s Play by Lehi Dowell


I couldn’t agree more with the title of this blog nor deny the fact that in order to incorporate a healthy work environment any learning done onsite must include elements of “fun”. As a transformational leader I can most certainly guarantee my trainings would be better received than someone who only has a transactional style.


Cheers, Lehi