Dilemma: To Blog or Not to Blog!

As I am interested in joining academia, I have had this dilemma of having an academic/personal blog or not.

There are lots of reasons for an academic to have a blog. It has always been important for academics to introduce their work and its importance to the audience. Whether you are seeking for another academic job, looking for new students, or just want the world to be aware of the work you are doing and how significant it is, blogging would give you the chance of publicizing your work. Moreover, by posting regularly in your blog, you build an audience for yourself. Knowing that there are someone who follow your posts forces you to think harder and try to be a more passionate writer. You can also share your public presentations, talks, and some of your projects in your blog. Blogging gives your audience the chance of knowing you and your professional achievements. However, keeping the blog up-to-date would be a time consuming procedure.

On the other hand, I am not fond of sharing my personal life to public audience. Some would argue that social medias, and specifically blogs are all about communications and getting to know each other. However, personally speaking, I prefer to keep my professional and personal life separated. And I would rather use my blog only for professional purposes.

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