Tag: Russo-Japanese War

Russo-Japanese War Embarrassment Led to Stronger Resolve of Revolutionists

The Russo-Japanese War played an interesting part in contributing to the revolution of 1905. Essentially the war was fought over a land dispute as the Japanese began to exercise their new found expansionist policies. Russian held claim to Port Arthur, a naval base located in Manchuria that served as a port into the Pacific for … Continue reading Russo-Japanese War Embarrassment Led to Stronger Resolve of Revolutionists

The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

The Cause of War: In what was known as the “Triple Intervention” Russia, Germany, and France had forbidden the victorious Japan from occupying any parts of Manchuria after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. In 1898, however, Russia entered an agreement with China which allowed them access to Port Arthur in southern Manchuria. Not only was […]