Tag: peasants

Opium of the People

The Soviet Union under the Bolsheviks in 1922 was the first state with the goal of being ideologically atheist, eliminating their existing religion (Russian Orthodoxy) and other religions practiced throughout the Soviet Union, as well as efforts to diminish future religious activity. Throughout the 1920s, religions were targeted based on State interests, and while not … Continue reading Opium of the People

“You Do Not Lament the Loss of the Hair of One Who Has Been Beheaded.”

“Now, the expropriation of the kulaks in the regions of solid collectivization is no longer just an administrative measure. Now, the expropriation of the kulaks is an integral part of the formation and development of the collective farms. Consequently now it is ridiculous and foolish to discourse on the expropriation of the kulaks. You do … Continue reading “You Do Not Lament the Loss of the Hair of One Who Has Been Beheaded.”