S15 Awakening the Digital Imagination Blog

I Remember

I Remember

I remember.  As the eighth anniversary of the April 16 shootings looms, I remember. Not the way I used to. The searing clarity of those first agonizing hours, days, and weeks is gone, as is the wrenching, nearly desperate hollow of the months and years that followed, as life resumed its mostly normal contours most […]



Reading: Two Selections by Brenda Laurel, available from the New Media Reader. “The Six Elements and the Causal Relations Among Them.” Computers as Theater, 49-65. 2nd ed., 1993. “Star Raiders: Dramatic Interaction in a Small World,” Ph.D. Thesis, Ohio State University, pp. 81-86, 1986. I am going to tackle the task of identifying a form of […]

The Whole Action: Videogames vs. Movies

The Whole Action: Videogames vs. Movies

In case this is shocking to anyone, I’ll put this up front: my spouse and I are gamers. Granted, our enthusiasm has waned over the years, especially since having children. We also tend to enjoy different types of videogames now than in the past. While I might have delighted in solving complex and sometimes nonsensical puzzles in […]

Viola and his condominiums… and that bad ass porcupine

Viola and his condominiums… and that bad ass porcupine

This week’s reading assignment for New Media Seminar was Bill Viola’s “Will There Be Condominiums in Data Space?”  Our make for the week?   To understand the parable of the porcupine and the expository sections of the essay as equal outward expressions of the same underlying thing, just as the visual image, the geometric diagram and […]

“Transmission of intelligence”

“Transmission of intelligence”

Reading: “Will There Be Condominiums in Data Space?” by Bill Viola.  Video 80(5):36-41. 1982. The notion of “data space” has changed drastically with the advancement of technology. I enjoyed Viola’s examples of data space in history as elaborate memory systems, “mnemo-technics.”  My example of data space highlights the brain’s amazing ability to adapt to new information. In […]

Porcupine Condos  – What is that Thing?

Porcupine Condos – What is that Thing?

Originally posted on Sirius Reflections:
Bill Viola‘s “Will There Be Condominiums in Data Space?” is one of the richest and most perplexing readings we engage in the New Media Seminar. As rhetorical questions go, “Will there be Condominiums in Data Space?” is a bit consternating, since the point of view behind it is not immediately…

Evaluating Communication Media

Evaluating Communication Media

McLuhan, M. (1964). “The Medium is the Message.” Understanding Media. “Post something abut the communication medium you think has had the biggest impact on our world and why.” I’m having a hard time responding to the above prompt, in part because my answer depends on what “impact” means, and for whom (who is impacted?)– or maybe it is my concern…

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New Galaxy, New Horizons

New Galaxy, New Horizons

Originally posted on Sirius Reflections:
We are reading Marshall McLuhan this week for the New Media Seminar, which gives us a nice pivot to thinking about how we prepare for the future and understand the past, especially in times of great change. One of the themes of McLuhan’s Gutenberg Galaxy is that societies on the…
