All posts by Kara Van Scoyoc

Comment on Reindeer People by Kara Van Scoyoc

I also felt under prepared in relation to all of the historical and geographical references in the novel but I think class discussion will help that. Although it may be a little off topic I would love to hear about the nature of dreams and how it relates to this topic. It’s so interesting to see what people pull from each reading based on their backgrounds and majors.

Comment on Reindeers are Better Than People? by Kara Van Scoyoc

I also liked the parallel between the Soviet era and the method of domestication. Most of the other excerpts we have read have been the capitalist system and how this has altered the domestication process but the Communist perspective was an interesting change. I have yet to see Frozen so I don’t understand the reference but from reading the novel I agree that reindeer seem like the perfect animal for domestication and don’t see why it didn’t catch on in other areas as well.

Comment on Goat song by Kara Van Scoyoc

I like the idea of the “mutual relationship” he talks about. I felt like the goats were really a part of his family by the end and that he truly cared about their well being and safety. This is why he was so proactive about getting rid of the coyotes and called the doctors at first sight of trouble.

Comment on Goat Song by Kara Van Scoyoc

I liked that you wanted to go out and try goat cheese because I had pretty much the same reaction. I also really wanted to try that cappachinno drink he mentioned in an earlier chapter with goat’s milk. It was a really interesting book about an animal I had never really studied before.

Comment on Physical Effects of Domestication by Kara Van Scoyoc

I think that is a really interesting way to see the dependence we have on technology these days. While our brains have decreased we as a society continue to make breakthroughs everyday in science which is attributed to the technological era. I don’t encourage over dependency on technology because it does have negative effects but it is a incredibly beneficial resource and has helped human progress.

Comment on Musings on Mutualism and Milk by Kara Van Scoyoc

Since I have little background in any of this information I often too easily believe the theories we read about. It is nice to see someone who can critically examine the readings and make me realize that maybe I shouldn’t ingest it all too quickly. I like the idea of gene therapy as a weight loss program because of the high need for it today. We have become a very overweight population and people want an option to easily fix it.