Comment on Grading or not grading: that is the question! by neginf

Hello! I agree that there is a huge gap between the current grade-based education and the ideal no-grade system. To fill this gap, instructors can gradually dilute the importance of grades by adding more research projects and hands-on activities to curricula. As I mentioned in the post, we still had homework assignments which were graded, but the major part of our total score was based on the final project.

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Comment on Grading or not grading: that is the question! by neginf

Hey Tim! What our instructor did to have a fair grading approach was to propose a comprehensive rubric at the beginning. I think, as far as such rubrics are clear and reasonable, students are fine with following them. Regarding the teamwork potential problems, I believe this is an essential skill we must learn during the higher education to be prepared for future teamwork in the workplace.

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