Comment on “He chose to do what is right, not what is easy” by Lindsay

Reading your blog makes me wonder if this is something that the administrators here need to consider…it seems that often folks at various institutions try to just take the easy route when it comes to a variety of things; education, policy, infrastructure, etc. It also makes me wonder what it would take for folks to be willing to take the critical practices that we discuss in class and apply them instances beyond the classroom and individual disciplines.

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Comment on The Sea, The Waves and The Ocean by Lindsay

I think I somehow missed your post the week we did this topic–I really appreciate what you say here and I wonder if you have any more thoughts about the domination piece you mention at the end. One of the thoughts bouncing around philosophy is the question of whether or not objects can serve as the extensions of our minds and “offload” elements to free up space for other things. Some folks (myself included I think) think that people can be extensions of other folks minds in systems of domination and suppression… Do you have any thoughts on whether domination and oppression are tightly interwoven with the ability to discover and explore beyond our own limited capacities as individuals?

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