Comment on A Visual Definition of Critical Pedagogy by Robert H

Great post here. Utilizing the visual to get your discussion going incorporates the use of alternative methods to present information. Yes, every student is left behind in standardized tests and systems. Those best equipped to climb the tree are not learning anything new and those not equipped are just left there to feel inadequate. I like the flow of the pictures and your word cloud. Kudos and applause.

Comment on Paulo Freire & Bell Hooks….educators I can stand by…..and an ode to Linda Brown….. by nordicgod

Good morning Chris,

Never a dull moment inside of that brain of yours! LOL! I love the way you think. You are correct, who is to say what the college student expectation is? However, I think we if listened and gave attention this weekend to the thousands of high school teachers walking out of Oklahoma schools because even after 10 years their pay is less than $40,000, would tell us a lot. That brings me to the fact that students pay for college (or at least their parents). We as a higher education institution are providing a service and unfortunately given the current circumstances of education I’d say almost a disservice. Starting salaries in my department are $100,000. This is a public institution and you can google every professor you have. Think about it, is that guy whose getting paid $235,000 a year REALLY putting in the amount of effort that he should to educate our undergraduate students? I’d say no and I rest my case. Think about it.


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Paulo Freire & Bell Hooks….educators I can stand by…..and an ode to Linda Brown….. by nordicgod

Good morning Bailey,

Absolutely! I don’t think anyone would argue that tenure track system needs to change, of course except the tenure track professors who keep the system in place to control and repeat the cycle with new tenure track professors. I like the idea of having some professors only teach and some only research. Also, just because a class is lecture based doesn’t mean you have to take the humanity piece out of it. I genuinely feel that if you aren’t in education to mentor, educate, and help others then you should choose a different field.


Cheers, Lehi