Comment on No one left behind! by alirezafarzampour

Thanks for your comment. Exactly I do believe that the educational system do not work on Punitive action. However, still in many countries around the world the punishment is the first method of education. Psychological studies also confirm punishment would not help at all. I would say the best way we can educate people is through encouragement, motivation, communication and building a happy environment. How we could do that? I believe the first step is to educate teachers about these topics, kind of what we do here in our class.Thanks,


Comment on Vision and Mission Statements for Sharif University of Technology and The Pennsylvania State University by alirezafarzampour

Thanks for your comments. From the mission statement we could conclude that the weighting is the same, but the way that the education is considered in SUT is through educating people in research activities. And one neat example of it is that some mandatory courses offered there for bachelor students are advanced such that if you want to take the same course here it would be 5000 or 6000 level with the almost same concepts and work load. that’s why I believe the research is the first and foremost purpose of them.


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Comment on Investing in the New Culture of Learning by alirezafarzampour

Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading it since I believe the issues you mentioned are there and a lot of people know about them but cannot do/want to do anything for getting them improved. I might digress but I wanted to emphasis that the quality of teaching is really important, might be the most important issue. We are talking about educating, not just transformation of information and evaluation of the fact that who remembers what! Majority of the teachers and the students are concerned about grades only, but here is the question at the end of the day when we finish a course, what did I learn? and the course topics are minor portions of it! what we do is we justify the answer to that question by the great grade that we got and forget about it.


Comment on The Importance of Digital Sharing by alirezafarzampour

Thanks for your post. The way you have summed it up at the end thoroughly shows the teachers responsibility. Since the teacher is the one who impacts the most, we have to have a better system for educating more prepared teachers. To our surprise, the number of people wanting to become teachers has decreased by 30%! which means that we are not on the right track!,
