Comment on Is this blog post for a grade? by nordicgod

As someone coming from the corporate F&B world I understand that there must be a mix of transactional (carrot/stick) and transformational leadership to make a department function to it’s fullest extent. I can’t tell you how excited the staff would get when they win a free meal for having the highest sales of an item, the best attendance, the highest Forbes audit, etc. I think there is a lot to say for setting standards and rewarding top performers but at the same time that is primarily to make a work environment fun and not monotonous. In the education setting I think there must also be a fair mix. Not sure how to go about it exactly but I love the conversations it is starting!


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on This isn’t the blog post you’re looking for by nordicgod

I really enjoyed your post! Any blog with a yoda reference automatically gets my comment. LOL! As a TA I’ve also found that open writing assignments for the students seems to throw them for a loop. They write as though we’ve given them an essay topic and expect a full outline of facts and figures. I’m actually going through rubric “discussion”, we’ll call it with a professor I’m TA’ing for…..I think we can allow for some creativity and the professor completely disagrees. Obviously, I go with what they want but it’s not how I would do it. Nothing should be concrete when it’s a critical thinking case study as there are always alternative rationales that I didn’t necessarily think of.


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Ahhhh….that darn mindfulness thing again in a room full of mindless….. by nordicgod

Good afternoon Dr. Nelson,

A primary concern is ensuring the basics are getting covered, right? As a professor I strongly believe in the principals of having a well structured syllabus to show class progression toward attaining goals set forth. The manner in which we attain the goals is wherein the problem lies. I will be a professor who uses multiple methods of facilitation such as flipped classroom, student hot topic presentations, and reflection papers to ensure understanding. Again, all of this depends on class size and the discipline being taught. However, as a professor it is my responsibility and obligation to ensure student engagement and comprehension. I think the graduate school is doing well and pushing the needle forward by having conversations about the topic and encouraging an environment of transformative learning and vowing to change the experience from “surviving to thriving”. The reality is R1 schools need to admit what a disadvantage they are giving the undergraduates by forcing disinterested professors to teach. I challenge some Deans to go sit in the classrooms around campus and see if they don’t get bored to tears……talk about raising awareness! LOL! Again, the more conversations we have about why open access is important and how it is okay to have differing opinions from professors the better we’ll be. Right now though it is a free for all and the professors who have the MOST to lose by change seem to have all the power.


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Let’s talk WITH our students – not AT them by nordicgod

Good afternoon Erin,

I absolutely agree with you 100%! Talking with students, engaging, and building a community is the only feasible answer to removing exciting items like “laptops” from a classroom. I couldn’t even imagine having to deal with a monotone professor without some sort of distraction. Before laptops (and even sometimes still) I would sit by a window just so that I could stare out and imagine I was somewhere fun rather than stuck in a classroom. Uhhhhhh…..true story……yeah let’s just say that me sitting by a window while taking the GRE was a BAD idea!!! LOL!


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Against humanity as we know it……no laptops in my classroom! by nordicgod

Good afternoon Tami,

You are correct in that students must be able to effectively use electronics, but, I’m not so sure having a laptop open in my class would help them in that capacity. Most standardized tests nowadays have computerized practice exams which should be utilized under “real” conditions and time constraints.


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Against humanity as we know it……no laptops in my classroom! by nordicgod

Good afternoon Maryam,

I absolutely will utilize technology because I know that it makes sense to do so in some circumstances. I’ve just seen too much web surfing and FB status updating especially with the undergraduate students. Like Shaun mentions above the PP will be available on CANVAS online so even if their “handwritten” notes miss something then they can review the lecture afterwards. There are definitely pros and cons to every situation.


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Against humanity as we know it……no laptops in my classroom! by nordicgod

Good afternoon Shaun,

I think you and I would get along great as co-teachers! LOL! Yes, I would say that conversation and deep engagement is going to be critical for my discipline instruction in the future. Hahahaha, the section on peers looking at another’s computer screen is totally relative and happens. I’m a private person so wouldn’t look at someone’s screen but now days I feel that privacy is not respected in most situations. Community and eye contact are what make a class fun and enjoyable. I really enjoyed your comment!


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Against humanity as we know it……no laptops in my classroom! by nordicgod

I completely understand how if the discipline calls for the use of a laptop then it should be encouraged. Yeah, I would never trust studying for a test based upon someone else’s notes. I’m too much of a type A personality to do such a thing! LOL! I think it is neat that you were all able work together and build a strong community. Thanks for sharing!


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Against humanity as we know it……no laptops in my classroom! by nordicgod

Good afternoon Amy,

I agree, using a positive spin and explaining how I will replace the “security blanket” of a laptop is going to be crucial on the first day of class when the students freak out! LOL! I strongly believe the students won’t even miss them because there will be so many engagement pieces they won’t have the opportunity to let their mind stray or they’ll miss something exciting!


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Against humanity as we know it……no laptops in my classroom! by nordicgod

Good afternoon Bailey,

Absolutely! I think the key words you used is that one must keep the information dissemination “interesting” and “use multiple avenues of learning”. That is exactly my point, as a professor it is my responsibility and commitment to engage daily with students to ensure comprehension and understanding. That is where I think most professors miss the mark.


Cheers, Lehi