Too much connectivity?

I found the video we watched in class about making students more knowledge-able to be quite interesting.  After looking into, I think it is another nice idea to get more people on the web sharing their ideas and collaborating.  However, with each of these concepts, I find myself wondering how much of people sharing their ideas might be too much.  A lot of people have great ideas worth sharing, yet at the same time, there are a lot of people who tend to ramble about topics that may not be helpful in humanity progressing forward.  Do we really need to know what someone had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner any given day?  What guidelines could be in place for people to contribute and find information that is pertinent and helpful to their professions and lives?  I don’t have a lot of answers to this question, but I would imagine that as this class progresses that I will learn more about this topic.  I figure if this is a question that I am asking myself, other people are likely curious about it as well.  After taking Preparing Future Professoriate, my eyes were opened more to the amazing impact that technology has had on education.  I look forward to becoming more knowledge-able about ways that we as educators can best use technology for learning and collaboration.

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