
Topics and course materials

This is an evolving and emerging list. Please check back often. Tweet suggestions to @gedivt or use #gedivt

General Reminders about posting:

You need to post at least 7 times during the semester. There are nine posting opportunities during the semester. You are welcome to post more often, of course. The prompt for the week will be on the GEDI Central section of the front page.

Everyone needs to post for the first three weeks.

Posts are due by midnight Monday. Posts submitted on time will be available in the “weekly posts” section of the front page Tuesday morning.

General Reminders about commenting:

You need to comment on at least three posts for all nine posting opportunities. That means a minimum of 27 comments over the term. You need to read and comment on posts even on the weeks you don’t post yourself. Comments are due before class begins on Wednesday.

Week 1 (1/18): Learning Community Welcome

  *Fri. 1/22: Set-up Blog and Post URL here by 5pm

Week 2 (1/25): Networked Learning (post — everyone)

Gardner Campbell, “Networked Learning as Experiential Learning” (2016)

Doug Belshaw “Working Openly On the Web” (2014)

Tim Hitchcock “Twitter and Blogs are Not Just Add-ons To Academic Research” (2014)

Seth Godin and Tom Peters on Blogging (2009)

watch it again: TEDxKC – Michael Wesch – From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able (2010)

Week 3 (2/1): Anti-Teaching / Mindful Learning (post — everyone)

Ellen Langer, Mindful Learning (Canvas)

more on Mindful Learning by Ellen Langer (Requires VT Library login)

Ken Robinson – How to Escape Education’s Death Valley

Mike Wesch, What Baby George Taught Me About Learning

Mike Wesch, Anti-Teaching: Confronting the Crisis of Significance  (also here)Optional:

Week 4 (2/8) Assessment (post — everyone)

Alfie Kohn, “The Case Against Grades”

Eric Liu and Scott Noppe-Brandon, Imagination First, (intro, ch. 1; Canvas)

Donna M. Riley, We Assess What We Value: “Evidence-based” Logic and the Abandonment of “Non-assessable” Learning Outcomes” (Feb. 2016)

Marilyn M. Lombardi, “Making the Grade: The Role of Assessment in Authentic Learning”

Dan Pink, RSA Animate. Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (11 minutes)

Dan Pink, The Puzzle of Motivation (TED Talk, 18′ 30″)

Week 5 (2/15) Engaging the Imaginations of Digital Learners (post)

Jean Lacoste, “Teaching Innovation Statement” (Canvas)

Robert Talbert, “Four Things Lecture is Good For

James Paul Gee, What Video Games Have to Teach US (Canvas)

Mark C. Carnes, “Setting Students’ Minds on Fire

New Learners of the 21st Century

Week 6 (2/22) Discovering your Authentic Teaching Self (post)

Sarah Deel, “Finding My Teaching Voice” (pdf here)

Seymour Papert, “Yearners and Schoolers,” from The Children’s Machine

Shelli Fowler, “The Authentic Teaching Self and Communication Skills

Week 7 (3/1) Designing a Learner-Centered Syllabus

Due: Syllabus Draft

Steven Tepper and George D. Kuh, “Let’s Get Serious About Cultivating Creativity” (requires VT library log-in)

Gardner Campbell, “Curiosity as a Learning Outcome

Paul Silvia, “Knowledge Emotions: Feelings that Foster Learning, Exploring and Reflecting

Joan Middendorf and Alan Kalish, “The ‘Change-up’ in Lectures” also here.

Supplemental Materials for Syllabus Design

Spring Break

Week 8 (3/15) Inclusive Pedagogy (post)

Shankar Vendantam, The Hidden Brain

Katherine W. Phillips, “How Diversity Makes us Smarter” (2014)

Brian Arao and Kristi Clemens, “From Safe Places to Brave Spaces” (Canvas)

Claude Steele, “Identity and Intellectual Performance” (Canvas)

Claude Steele, “Reducing Stereotype Threat” (Canvas)

Additional optional / supplemental resources also on Canvas

Materials and references from previous GEDI courses here

Week 9 (3/22) Critical Pedagogy (post)

Shelli Fowler, “Paulo Freire and Critical Pedagogy” (Canvas)

Joe L. Kinchloe, “Paulo Freire (1921-1997) and “Moving to Critical Complexity” in The Critical Pedagogy Primer (2004), pp. 69-75 and 108-110 (Requires VT Library Log-in)

Paulo Freire, “The Banking Concept of Education,” Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Ch. 2, pp. 71-86

Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of Freedom, Ch. 2, pp. 29-37 Missing pp. 33-34.  But complete excerpt is here. Start on p. 9 and read these sections: There is no Teaching without Learning, Methodological Rigor, Research, Respect for What Students Know 

Optional: Paulo Freire, Short Video on Curiosity

Optional: June Jordon, Report from the Bahamas, 1982(Requires VT library Log-in); also here.

Week 10 (3/29) Formulating Your Teaching Philosophy

Due: Teaching Philosophy Draft

Gabriela Montell, “How to Write a Statement of Teaching Philosophy

The Professor is In, “The Dreaded Teaching Statement: Eight Pitfalls

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement (Iowa State CELT)

Supplemental / Optional:

Tutorial on Writing a Teaching Philosophy (University of Minnesota)

Faculty Focus: Philosophy of Teaching Statements (Magna Publications)

Week 11 (4/5) Breathe – No F2F Meeting

Week 12 (4/12) Attention and Multi-Tasking (post)

Nicholas Carr; Is Google Making Us Stupid? and the comments (briefly)(2008)

Jason Farmon: The Myth of the Disconnected Life (2012)

Clive Thompson, Smarter Than You Think, 2013 (Canvas)

Optional Reading:

NYT interview with Thompson

Leave Your Laptops at the Door to My Classroom (2017)

Media Multi-taskers Pay Mental Price (2009)

Optional Viewing:

Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi on Flow and Happiness (TED Talk)

PBS: Digital Nation

Week 13  (4/19) Problem-Based Learning 

Module developed with Alex Noble and Greg Purdy

Due: PBL Case-Study Draft

*Maura Singleton, “Adjusting the Prescription. The School of Medicine Overhauls its century-old educational Approach” (2011)

*What is PBL?

*Why PBL?

*Dan Tries Problem-Based Learning: A Case Study (also on Canvas)

Merlot: Problem-Based Learning (Pedagogy Portal).

SUNY Buffalo Case Study site (science)

Vanderbilt Case Studies Site (Center for Teaching)

PBL Course Addressing “Fractious Problems” in Science and Technology

Solving Real-World Issues Through Problem-Based Learning

PBL Meets WWII: A History Lesson to Remember

Tiwari, Lai, So and Yuen, “A Comparison of the Effects of problem-based learning and lecturing on the development of students’ critical thinking,” Medical Education 2006: 40: 547-554 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2006.02481.x (VT Library Log-in Required)

Week 14 (4/26) Teaching for the 21st Century — Connecting the Dots (post)

Parker Palmer, A New Professional: The Aims of Education Revisited (Jstor – Library log-in required)

Dan Edelstein, How is Innovation Taught? On the Humanities and the Knowledge Economy

Seth Godin, Stop Stealing Dreams (hub for various formats) / What is School For? (TedxYouth@BFS)


Sonia Henry, When do Medical Students Lose Their Empathy?

Atul Gawande, Personal Best

American Association of Colleges and Universities, It Takes More Than A Major:Employer Priorities for College Learning and Student Success (2013)

Week 15  (5/3) Final Meeting

Due: Dear Dr. Nelson Letter and Finished Portfolio