The more you bring yourself to your teaching, the better teacher you will be!
The reading about Satra E. Deel experience about how to teach had many good points. She touched on some topics that almost all of us more or less are dealing with. I personally believe that the first important step is to give students a brief pedagogical explanation about what subjects are going to be covered in the course. Justification of the reasons why a student should or should not take that specific course we are teaching, would help them along the long run to have a clear understanding why each topic is brought up within the course. It is like a couple of scenarios, either to give somebody pieces of puzzle and not even tell him/her what the puzzle is about and what is the expected picture, or tell the same person the whole picture of the puzzle first and help him/her to complete it. Therefore, with in the course, students always have the big picture and some sense which help them not to get lost and stay on the right track.
Another important issue is to try to share the true yourself to the students, and describe what kind of a person you are. This makes them understand that the teacher is not only an honest person, but also trustable enough, who genuinely would try to help them. For this, some of the actions that seems odd at first place for me would have been so much easier to understand or justify if the teacher told me about his/her personality so that I could relate the actions in the classroom to the actual personality of the teacher better. That is one of the reasons why different strategies for teaching would be as much as effective to the same extent because students would understand and appreciate the differences between various teaching philosophies.
I agree with the idea that there are many ways to be an effective teacher and build a nice environment with the students. Based on the Palmer’s ideas the more you bring yourself to your teaching, the better teacher you will be and it’s better to remember that kids don’t remember what you try to teach them some times, but they definitely remember what you are [Jim Henson]. I know graduate students are given little guidance during their studies in the school about teaching and the type of issues that Satra also mentioned about through her experience of teaching. So, the right teaching methodology is as important as what we have learned in our fields, if not even more.