Comment on Essentially historical Freire by George Qiao

Very interesting idea. We need to find the breakthrough idea based on the existing knowledge. The bank mode is still useful, and at the meantime, critical thinking for the existing knowledge can help students more creative. Student should be subject for the education but not the object, although we could be the object of some teaching experiment.

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Comment on Inquiry is at the core of students’ essence by jamesmw3

So where does this critical thought ability develop? At some point basic concepts must be learned in order to understand larger concepts that require more critical thinking. Banking certainly is not the answer, but as we have seen so far, we are hardly ready to completely rearrange the way we learn and teach. The answers might come in at the higher education level where many classes can be developed and carried out in their own nuanced ways. The problem then will be communicating the value of the new system to the product of the old system who rates and judges those wha are brave enough to try this.


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Comment on Inquiry is at the core of students’ essence by jamesmw3

So where does this critical thought ability develop? At some point basic concepts must be learned in order to understand larger concepts that require more critical thinking. Banking certainly is not the answer, but as we have seen so far, we are hardly ready to completely rearrange the way we learn and teach. The answers might come in at the higher education level where many classes can be developed and carried out in their own nuanced ways. The problem then will be communicating the value of the new system to the product of the old system who rates and judges those wha are brave enough to try this.


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I really liked the point that you made about our g…

I really liked the point that you made about our goal as educators is to empower and establish student's ownership in their learning. As a GTA, I think this is something that I strive for on a daily basis because I know the value that students have in taking my class. While they might not recognize it during our time together throughout the semester, I have found that students will often come back and mention how helpful the course has been outside of the classroom (I teach the dreaded public speaking). My methodology behind teaching was similar to what you mentioned about 'knowing the consumer by becoming the consumer' in that I approach teaching as I would like to be taught myself. I think its important to realize as educators, that we were once in the shoes of our students and think back to those that influenced us the most and try to embody those qualities/characteristics as we move forward in our teaching careers.
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Comment on The Banking Concept of Education by waili9

Great post! I love your idea that “classroom should be an exchange of information, creativity and critical thinking”. I had a “banking model” experience in one of my college classes. The teacher was just reading his slides for us in class. I can understand he was a new instructor and nervous in front of his students. However, it was not a correct start of the teaching career. New teacher can learn from the success model of those popular teachers and try to change their “banking model”. Teachers should also learn from their students: exchange ideas, emphasize their feedback, and learn from their critical thinking.

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Comment on Pedagogy Has A Context Outside Of The Classroom by James

Exactly, we call this the “so what?” that we have to deliver when we talk about our own research. I definitely remember quite a few classes that did not provide any real reasoning for their purpose. I feel like I am at an advantage for working in an applied field where so much of what we teach and research has a very specific set of reasons.

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I definitely agree with the point you made about m…

I definitely agree with the point you made about making learning a more active process between students and instructors. I feel as though I have learned so much more about my discipline as a graduate student than I did in the four years of undergrad (despite the fact that I received by Bachelors in the same department that I am current in now). I think the key here is the fact that there is so much more dialogue between my professors and I on a daily basis. When reading, I don't just skim through to simply get it over an done with but I think about and create opinions on the readings that I can then share with the class. This obviously has a much greater impact on me as the learner in retaining more of the content on a much deeper level, than just face value.
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