Comment on More Than A Two-Way Conversation by Benito

Recomenda-se que este exercício não seja tentado até que
tenha experiência mínima de dois meses do AP. Além disso, como é caso com outros exercícios, é
recomendado para completar exercício, em condições de boa iluminação,
monitorando constantemente pênis.

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Sarang, I personally do not think that taking prid…

Sarang, I personally do not think that taking pride in one's culture and respecting others' cultures are mutually exclusive. One can do the both. However, I agree with you that the courses that are taught these days focus a lot on the Western civilization and do not pay attention to what happened or is happening in other parts of the world. That being said, there are some teachers who are trying to break the hegemony of Western civilization in their classrooms. Donna Riley, currently a professor at Virginia Tech, had taught a class in Smith College in which she had tried to point out inventions and discoveries that happened in the non-Western world. You can read more about it here:
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