Comment on Interdisciplinarity can be scary for doctoral students by Ellen Garcia

It almost seems like interdisciplinary research is no longer a choice, but a necessity. Our understanding of the world around us is becoming too large to remained stuck in one discipline focus. Graduate students are no longer going to be able to remain in their ‘comfort zone’ and this interdisciplinary requirement may drastically change the profile of researchers and their skill sets.

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Nice subject for your blog! I have commonly had th…

Nice subject for your blog! I have commonly had this conversation with people in the 'majority' as well. I see the problem come up with languages, such as with Spanish speaking in the US or with international students having thick accents when teaching in the US. Some people will say Spanish speakers must learn English! Thats the language we speak here. Or Indian TAs much change to an American accent to help their students understand them. I think that an equal effort from both sides helps. Natives must try to be understanding in addition to visitors trying to adapt. This is similar to what you are saying with writing styles!

Open your minds people!
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Comment on PUZZLING EVIDENCE by Ellen Garcia

Molly, I just found your blog website to read some of your words. I really like the ideas you are addressing in this blog, specifically when you say higher education can not see the forest for the trees. I don’t have an answer either for this problem, but I see the problem more than ever after coming to Tech. Smaller institutions don’t struggle as much with focusing on the students journey but large institutions are notoriously for it. I think this TedTalk may be a start for change:

I recommend you watch it and it would awesome to catch up and discuss changing the world!


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Comment on PUZZLING EVIDENCE by Ellen Garcia

Molly, I just found your blog website to read some of your words. I really like the ideas you are addressing in this blog, specifically when you say higher education can not see the forest for the trees. I don’t have an answer either for this problem, but I see the problem more than ever after coming to Tech. Smaller institutions don’t struggle as much with focusing on the students journey but large institutions are notoriously for it. I think this TedTalk may be a start for change:

I recommend you watch it and it would awesome to catch up and discuss changing the world!


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