Comment on We Are Different, But Yet We Are Also The Same by kt.ayers@vt

I like the idea of bridging differences, but I’m not sure I buy it. By trying to be “colorblind” or not see male or female, we end up reverting to the default (in America it’s the white, straight, cisgender, middle-class man) many times. I think this is where the idea of intersectionality comes in – respecting differences while understanding the ways in which those differences play out in our lived experiences.


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Comment on We Are Different, But Yet We Are Also The Same by kt.ayers@vt

I like the idea of bridging differences, but I’m not sure I buy it. By trying to be “colorblind” or not see male or female, we end up reverting to the default (in America it’s the white, straight, cisgender, middle-class man) many times. I think this is where the idea of intersectionality comes in – respecting differences while understanding the ways in which those differences play out in our lived experiences.


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Comment on conformity vs. freedom | education through the eyes of Paulo Freire by kt.ayers@vt

Education “will be used or to foster conformity or to promote freedom.”
Doing education (the process of teaching) is finding the balance between the two I think. I need conformity to the rules of the classroom so my lessons don’t devolve into chaos, but I also want to encourage students to feel free to express their own ideas and think through ways to make their own lives more radical.


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Comment on conformity vs. freedom | education through the eyes of Paulo Freire by kt.ayers@vt

Education “will be used or to foster conformity or to promote freedom.”
Doing education (the process of teaching) is finding the balance between the two I think. I need conformity to the rules of the classroom so my lessons don’t devolve into chaos, but I also want to encourage students to feel free to express their own ideas and think through ways to make their own lives more radical.


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Comment on Grad 5114 Week 8 (10/14): Inclusive Pedagogy by kt.ayers@vt

But focusing on the differences is great!!! Differences are important! By not focusing on them, we’re still focusing on them, just without realizing it. Also, if I’m not consciously aware of differences, then I can tend to universalize my experience as a white person.
This is what the American Women’s Movement did, universalized the white, middle-class, straight women’s experience to represent ALL women, and it left some women feeling very left out.

While I think your goal of not noticing differences is a good one, I don’t think real life works like that.


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Comment on Grad 5114 Week 8 (10/14): Inclusive Pedagogy by kt.ayers@vt

But focusing on the differences is great!!! Differences are important! By not focusing on them, we’re still focusing on them, just without realizing it. Also, if I’m not consciously aware of differences, then I can tend to universalize my experience as a white person.
This is what the American Women’s Movement did, universalized the white, middle-class, straight women’s experience to represent ALL women, and it left some women feeling very left out.

While I think your goal of not noticing differences is a good one, I don’t think real life works like that.


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Comment on ‘I cannot be a teacher without exposing who I am’ by kt.ayers@vt

“…now it becomes clear that what really matters is the fact that, to be a teacher, you should expose yourself, put your very energy to it, make it “alive” with who you are.”

True story. If I can’t be my authentic self in a classroom, then why am I doing it? Iit’s already hard enough to prepare lessons for them, I don’t want to prepare a lesson on who I should be for myself on top of all that.


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Comment on ‘I cannot be a teacher without exposing who I am’ by kt.ayers@vt

“…now it becomes clear that what really matters is the fact that, to be a teacher, you should expose yourself, put your very energy to it, make it “alive” with who you are.”

True story. If I can’t be my authentic self in a classroom, then why am I doing it? Iit’s already hard enough to prepare lessons for them, I don’t want to prepare a lesson on who I should be for myself on top of all that.


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