Comment on I guess I did learn something in High school by zachd1

Dr. Nelson,

I know it is a somewhat common approach in Graduate school, but I had never seen it in High schools. Frequently, our teachers would have us research topics and allow us to teach the class about a topic. Since we were never taught using a lecture approach, our techniques really had to change and this forced us to truly learn and understand the topics because we couldn’t stand in front of the class and define key terms for 50 minutes.


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Comment on I’m Motivated…..Now what do I do? by zachd1

Yes, please! I know the idea of changing the world comes up frequently on blogs, it is quite easy to hide behind a keyboard. However, I believe that we can equip a group of individuals with the ability to change the way people think, and hopefully those people go on to do great things and more and more individuals begin to question the concepts that have been presented to them as fact.


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Comment on I don’t really know what I think anymore by zachd1

Dr. Nelson,

First off, thank you for your response. I really like your last point about using the proper tool for the job. I think that especially as an engineer, I can get caught up in using the most up-to-date and innovative forms of technology to share my ideas and that isn’t always necessary. The idea behind connected learning is not that blogging and tweeting is the ONLY way to access and present information but that sometimes it is the best way.


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