Author: mauramcd

Comment on Honey, The New Neighbors are Moving In! by mauramcd

The KGB “American” town in Ukraine is fascinating! I wonder how accurate it was in relation to American life considering it was based off of TV shows, but I’m sure it really helped them in terms of blending into the American culture. The description under the video also provides some good information. Also, I really liked that cartoon- it made me laugh!

Comment on Honey, The New Neighbors are Moving In! by mauramcd

The KGB “American” town in Ukraine is fascinating! I wonder how accurate it was in relation to American life considering it was based off of TV shows, but I’m sure it really helped them in terms of blending into the American culture. The description under the video also provides some good information. Also, I really liked that cartoon- it made me laugh!

Comment on The Worst Thing About Prison was… the Dementors by mauramcd

Justin, I actually found a lot of contradicting information about the re-integration of prisoners into society, either people receiving compensation and support for finding jobs, or facing numerous obstacles when returning home. I believe the disparate experiences were based on how the prisoners were classified/how long they spent in the camps.

Comment on Sixth International Youth Festival by mauramcd

Wow this is really neat! I’m surprised that Americans were allowed to address such a large soviet population. I’d like to hear more of what the Americans were allowed to say considering the disparate ideologies between the two great powers at the time.

Comment on Freedom from the Gulags by mauramcd

I also wrote about amnesty releasing the gulags, but I like how you wrote more about what life was like in the gulag camps. One of the further steps that Khrushchev made in “de-stalinizing” the Soviet Union was actually allowing Aleksandr to publish his books, showing a brief de-censorship during the time.

Comment on Not a BUDAful place to be by mauramcd

I really liked how you used your experience visiting Hungary in your blog post. I’ve written how the Orthodox church has mobilized soviet people, and I think the soviets recognized the power of the Church and therefore, looked to oppress the Catholic church as well. Were the soviets attempted to silence the commemoration of Sandor Petofi and that’s why it turned violent? Very interesting post!

Comment on Germany’s Mistake is a Soviet Success by mauramcd

My goodness, that quote you inserted gave me the chills- I can’t imagine what it’s like to be that cold. I like how you mentioned other reasons for the German defeat before mentioning the weather. I wonder how impactful the weather was on the failure and if the Germans were more prepared for it, how it would’ve affected the outcome.

Comment on Open Up, Communism is Knocking on Your Door by mauramcd

I really liked your use of second person in this post- it draws in the reader a lot more and really makes them sympathize with the Kulaks. I didn’t realize the range included any farmer who owned land rather than those more successful. Interesting post!

Comment on Episode 4: A New Purge by mauramcd

Your discussion on Nikolai really shows how dangerous it was to hold a position of power during the time. It seemed to backfire on a lot of leaders (like the Red Army commander we watched in the assigned film). Good post!