Author: Nick Umana

Comment on Before the West was Cool: Soviet Hipsters in the 1950s by Nick Umana

This is interesting because its similar to the advancement of the United States society at the time. Around this time the United States was introducing the Greaser sub-culture into the United States. Elvis Presley and Hollywood society became impacting factors on the social roles in society around this time, so I wonder if this was similar in the Soviet Union. Did the Soviet hipsters play any type of role in the conflict that was taking place in the Cold War at all? This was a time where teen age culture became a market and an official characteristic that was a part of the United States.

Comment on Ukraine Keeps Driving Men Insane by Nick Umana

The shock factor by the policies that were em placed definitely had an affect on other European countries in the area. It appears as if it set a standard for Soviet Union capabilities.
I was still curious as to what the possible motives behind these policies were? Overall very interesting

Comment on They Did Nazi That Coming… by Nick Umana

Nice Witty Title. I like how your post summarizes the ways that the Soviets learned from their mistakes against the German Army. It was also interesting highlighting the failures of the Soviets in their initial defensive preparedness for the German invasions

Comment on Factory Evacuees by Nick Umana

The way that the Soviet Union’s society changed and conformed to successfully win the war against the German invasion was really interesting. Their whole society dropped what they were doing and concentrated on working together to win the war. Giving up their homes and everything to migrate and move supplies for the Soviet’s army shows the grit and the capabilities of Soviet Union from a defensive tactical standpoint.

Comment on All is Fair in Love and War by Nick Umana

I thought that the title for your blog was really applicable to the message that it delivered. The way that social roles changed was a huge difference maker in World War Two. The way that society and social roles changed impacted the success of World War Two in a variety of different ways

Comment on The Soldiers’ Revolution by Nick Umana

I think that your article does a good job at emphasizing the power that the Imperial Army had at this point. The revolution forced the Russian Army to redesign itself and to rebuild itself from its building blocks. Your article points out the power that the Russians possesed and what state of respect they carried throughout Europe

Comment on Kornilov’s Attempted Coup Backfired Worse Than He Ever Could Have Imagined by Nick Umana

Kornilov Affair was a really interesting piece of history that I had no idea about, The provisional government at the time seemed to lack so much power so I think that it was really interesting because it seemed that they were in such a position of dismay due to always being under control of a tsar.

Comment on History of the Nilova Monastery by Nick Umana

The monastery depicts the Russians architectural capabilities in the 20th century. It is interesting to view the country in a time of its economic weakness or early development, and still be able to see what the country was able to accomplish. These pi…

Comment on Who are you? by Nick Umana

Your perspective on the extra research that you did behind this photo is really interesting. Its interesting that you were able to connect the lines between the portrayed emotions of the individuals in the photo to the social context of the situation. The way that the women were treated and the worn down faces that they carry is an implied illustration that most people probably would not be able to pick up on.