Author: scmaclay

Comment on Honey, The New Neighbors are Moving In! by scmaclay

That KGB manual is so cool! You mentioned that the KGB was an independent organization that had little oversight from the party, what organization was the KGB subservient to? Additionally, what differentiated the KGB from its predecessor, the NKVD?

Comment on Blog 5 – The Famine of 1946 by scmaclay

After World War II, the people within the Soviet Union could not catch a break. My question is, what was the confiscated grain used for? If people are starving, why would they horde grain away from them?

Comment on I Triple Doggie Dare You To Nuke Me by scmaclay

Nuclear weapons and MAD! One of my favorite, morbid topics! One thing that is important to mention is the proxy conflicts that arose because of how apocalyptic a nuclear war would be. While the United States and USSR were not hostile, they still fought with each other and devastated many of the countries where these proxy conflicts took place. I am glad you talked about this subject. Great post!

Comment on Sixth International Youth Festival by scmaclay

What could be more indicative of a change in the Soviet Union than acceptance of an international arts festival? This reminds me a lot of the Moscow Music Peace Festival and how it shows a new openness of society. Do you know if the Soviet Union ever held the International Youth Festival again? If so, when?

Comment on Not a BUDAful place to be by scmaclay

It is very cool that you incorporated what you learned abroad in this post! What always fascinates me about the ’56 rebellion is the Warsaw Pact, while used to deter the West, was used to suppress one of its members who wanted to leave. We will see that repeated a few more times before this class ends. Good post!

Comment on The Beginnings of the Cold War by scmaclay

I agree that it is important to study the events that led up to the Cold War. While the Cold War may have been an inevitable struggle between two world powers, there is always a catalyst for conflicts. You did a good job hitting on the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, currency reform, and the unification of the Allied occupation zones as things the West did to concern the East. What things did the Soviet Union do that concerned the West? You mentioned the Berlin Blockade, did that factor into the British/American/French decision to unify West Germany?

Comment on Another Explosion in the Cold War by scmaclay

I am glad you made the connection between the arms race and the space race. The space race was a great way to showcase the strength of your country’s rocketry programs, as well as flaunt your technological achievements. Also, really cool New York Times article!

Comment on The Katyn Forest Massacre by scmaclay

I am glad people are choosing to write about the Katyn Forest Massacre, it is a little know atrocity that should not be overlooked. Why do you think it took until Gorbachev to release this information when Krushchev already denounced murders under Stalin?

Comment on The Girl with the Tokarev SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle. by scmaclay

What a really cool post! In World War II, Germans would refer to these soldiers as “gun women” and refused to acknowledge them as soldiers. Instead, they would be treated as partisans and likely executed if captured. Lyudmila is a very cool example of women serving in the Red Army. It is a very fascinating topic.