Comment on A Bright New Future? by Nick Umana

Really interesting post. The role that Science fiction began to play at this time was really cool and its interesting to see how the Soviets began to regulate this science fiction as well. There is a general trend of the Soviet government regulating a lot of the new things that were coming out around this time period, like Rock and Roll. It’s also interesting how this spread to western culture as well in spin offs.

Comment on Trouble in the Baltics: Nationalism, Environmentalism, and Singing(?) by Nick Umana

The riots that took place as a reaction to Gorbachev’s leadership was symbolic to the disapproval of the direction of the government from Latvia and Lithuania at the time. I was unaware how serious these riots were and that they had actually created a series of casualties. What specific environmental movements did people rally behind in this time of frustration?

Comment on Aw (Foe)y What Have We Done by Nick Umana

I wasn’t aware that the Soviets spent an entire 10 years in Afghanistan while pursuing influence into these third world countries. This displays how determined the Soviet Union was to spread themselves into third world countries. What lessons do you think the United States could have taken out of this?