Comment on Week 3: Digital-Era Teaching by Andrew

Thanks for the comment! AND! thanks for teaching me about popular media resources for instruction on creating digital educational content. I will definitely check out the two (Pasted below) that you referred me to. Like we discussed in class, university authorities don’t seem to have a knowledge problem as much as a problem with the delivery of that knowledge. This is where technology can help. Explore new, modern delivery methods in order to make content easily consumable while maintaining the quality of the message. The end result will be that learning resources will be more accessible, lower cost, provide equal experiences, and improve the quality and consumability of the instructional material. It is my belief, which I can support, that online learning and delivery can assist with this. Thanks again for the post. I can tell you spent time thinking and delivering it.

Popular Media Resources (YouTube)
Veritasium (youtube)

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Comment on Networked Learning – transcending physical contact by Andrew

Thanks for the post. I feel that I have many shared thoughts regarding my online presence as you do. I have shared some of these in other recent blog posts, but my opinion is becoming more clear with more thoughts and writing on the issue. Like you, I am reluctant to post ANYTHING online. This is becuase I understand the permanence and public access of anything that i post. I know that I should begin to create an online presence, but I haven’t yet created a set of “rules for posting”. I believe that I can first, establish these rules, and then make it a conscious point to start and maintain an active online presence. Thanks for the post and good luck

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Comment on Thoughts on Blogging and Academia: One Political Science Student’s Perspective by Andrew

Excellent post. To begin, I am still searching for my voice in the digital world. This is because I (correctly) fear the permanence of posting on the internet. Nevertheless I believe it is possible to find or create a set of “rules for posting” to keep myself from posting something regretful. Even if nobody reads my posts I believe it is important for own benefit to organize and outline my thoughts in a way that others would understand.

On the topic of podcasting, I love the medium of podcasting. It is hard to imagine not having the podcasts that I listen to every day/week. I believe it is a great way to communicate ideas clearly and effectively. I hope that big academia embraces podcasting formats and incorporates them into future curriculum. Thanks again for the comment!

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Comment on “What is learning?” – Michael Wesch by Andrew

Great thought! I, like you (seem to be), am a student that has to really try. In many classes my very best effort would get me a “B-“. I always knew that I wasn’t stupid, but many of the classes made it seem that way. I believe that education, especially higher education will see a significant transformation within our lifetimes and I hope to be a part of it. Education should be more available and more “customizable” to the individual. I believe that technology combined with thoughtful educational innovators will provide this.

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Comment on Eliminate Tenure – Blog Post #5 by Andrew

I agree. I understand the justifications for granting tenure, nevertheless, I am fine if it went away. I believe that many of these justifications are less relevant in primary and secondary public schools (e.g. allowing teachers freedom to choose research topics, discouraging job hopping for greater pay, etc…). Additionally, I, like many others in this class, plan on teaching in a university setting. I don’t look forward to having colleagues and peers that cannot be removed from their positions “easily” for performance reasons.

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