Comment on School Factory in the 21st Century by Ben Kirkland

Oh, the balance!! There’s that part of business that requires so much efficiency, efficiency, efficiency! The smallest ripple makes waves, and if the ups don’t like it, you’re cut out of the system But there’s the need for flexibility, because we’re human. I don’t know what the answer is, except, as you hinted, by creating micro-cracks. That’s a long-term goal, but it could work. Maybe adding more emphasis on the human in us all. Bosses don’t want to hear that your car needs repairs – not their problem… though it is. Can’t show up to work? Replaced with another. I hope that we’ll all be more empathetic as we gain ‘the upper hand’ in our lives. Thank you for the post

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Comment on Hippy Underwear by Ben Kirkland

It was definitely an expression of what was going through my mind at the moment, not as a response to the current class topics. It’s something I’ve thought of writing for a while, but Gary’s post added just the right spark to light the fuel. Glad you enjoyed, John.


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Comment on Hippy Underwear by Ben Kirkland

Thanks, Sara. I really appreciate your feedback. Saying and Doing are going to be two different things here, to be sure. Bradley brought it up by asking how to best push new practices, like Open Pedagogy, beyond administrators. GEDI is offering up the tools, but what if higher ups don’t approve of their usage. This might be a ‘long game’ approach whereby we have to build that trust up over years before we drop the hammer. Any suggestions are most welcome.


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Comment on Hippy Underwear by Ben Kirkland

I’m guilty of it myself. Maybe that’s another great reason to have an Open Pedagogy, where the input of the students helps shape the lessons. If we’re open to it, we would be learning from them how to be more relevant, which should in turn help us teach the information more effectively.
I also get that this is easier said than done. Back in my day, I designed for hours with pencil and paper after trekking uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes on…


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Comment on Hippy Underwear by Ben Kirkland

It’s a really valid question, and I don’t have a solid answer. With the first lawyer example, there was a cry for change coming from the populous. That spurned on the lawyers and emboldened them. Who’s our crowd: students or fellow teachers? Recent teacher strikes focused (most specifically) on pay. Could that happen with pedagogical practices? The voices of students can be powerful, but how strongly are they going to back the changes we seek?
Maybe we keep wedging away when cracks appear, until someday the old wall comes down. Then we reflect on the new wall we didn’t realize we were also building in the process?… dun dun dun. It’s a great question.


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