Comment on She Believed She Could So She Did by Robin S. Ott

Hi everyone – thank you for all of the positive feedback and encouragement; it means a lot to me and I’ve really enjoyed hearing from all of you during our class discussions. We ARE the ones that will change academia for the better.

Aislinn – One of the roadblocks that I still struggle with is the significant pay cut I took for this job (50%). I had a great savings account thanks to a former employer that went public (and my subsequent stock option cash-out), that I was using to supplement my salary but it’s almost gone. I’m not sure what I’ll do then. Everyone keeps telling me that “it will all work out”. I suppose I’m hoping that it will and I’m waiting until it doesn’t to find a plan B.

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Comment on I wonder… by Robin S. Ott

Hi Davon,
Thank you for your post. You propose so many good ideas in your post. You suggestion of a shared portfolio is already being done in some area more liberal arts related (interior design, for example) and I think they work really well in those departments/areas. I share some of the same concerns as fellow students about scalability of this approach and how to apply it to more technical fields (mechanical engineering, for example). Perhaps it could be used at smaller schools where there is much more focus on teaching and less on research, where the class sizes are, smaller, etc. I can see situations where this could be both successful and extremely rewarding for the students.


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