Comment on Chew and pour; Pass and forget by Rachel Kinzer Corell

“…‘in your own words, help your little brother to understand what osmosis is by designing an experimental illustration that tells him a story that pertains to his life history, which will make his friends laugh, but make his aunt and uncle proud of him, while getting him on the teacher’s favorite pet list’”

This is the best example of sideways learning I have seen so far. Thanks for sharing it!

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Comment on Chew and pour; Pass and forget by Rachel Kinzer Corell

“…‘in your own words, help your little brother to understand what osmosis is by designing an experimental illustration that tells him a story that pertains to his life history, which will make his friends laugh, but make his aunt and uncle proud of him, while getting him on the teacher’s favorite pet list’”

This is the best example of sideways learning I have seen so far. Thanks for sharing it!