Comment on Overwhelmed… by katy p

Having a holistic teaching experience in engineering can be difficult. As an engineering student who is near the end of my studies, I can definitely say I am burnt out. However, given the opportunities to take a course like this one is worthwhile and has allowed me to see the world from a different perspective. I believe as long as we make it accessible to engineering students to have these courses available to them, it will contribute to the type of learning experience you are touching on.

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Comment on Traditional vs. Authentic Assessment by katy p

I truly believe standardize tests do not improve students’ abilities to learn. Most of the time, teachers focus on feeding students with the information on the standardized exams, but often forget to encourage creative and critical thinking. Thus, once the standardized exams are over, the information is often lost as it was only memorized to pass the exam. How can we combat this?

Comment on Let’s Share The Carrot and Break The Stick! by katy p

I do agree that grading is a fickle subject when it tests the ability of someone’s intelligence. I personally, am not a good test take and as a result, my grades often suffer. The situation becomes way complicated across the country as some school systems has varied grading criteria so how can be combat the qualifications need to get into a university if grades are not an accurate representation?

Comment on To Blog or Not To Blog by katy p

I used to believe that blogging was a waste of internet space because “no one would read that stuff.” It wasn’t until I started communicating my research findings in layman terms that the public would want to read and learn about on blogging sites. Its a great way for a two-way dialogue between the public and the professionals and much easier to reach the masses in a blog versus a full manuscript. Some blogs may seem pointless while some are amazing, but its like that with any other older form of communication, like newspaper articles and TV news broadcasting.

Comment on So close yet so far away… by katy p

I too, have all the same social media platforms as you, maybe even a few more. I do appreciate the connectedness that social media plays in my both my personal and professional life, but there are times I wish they never existed. I’m guilty to say that I can’t get through a class assignment without glancing briefly at my social media pages or having to spend countless hours procrastinating on Facebook before I actually begin to do my work. I feel like when I was growing up, social media and the internet as a whole was very new. As a result, I was pretty productive when it came to completing school work and household chores because what else was I was going to do? Social media is definitely a blessing and a curse…the irony!