Comment on Red Queens and Open Doors in Higher Education by NJB

Interesting post. I won’t argue against keeping diversity in higher education because I agree it’s a good thing. A small point you made at the start was about a “society of Einsteins” is interesting. Aldous Huxley mentions this idea briefly in his classic novel, Brave New World. In his novel, society is bred into castes, with metered intelligence. Huxley writes (in 1932) that many of the elite caste, the alphas, wouldn’t perform much of the manual labor required, thus they create the epsilons. Of course, Huxley wrote before mass automation was possible, and his novel is dystopian and not a guide to good living. I would also acknowledge that automation is difficult, and some tasks we cannot automate (at least for a while). I also think we are a long way from saturating our intellectual capital, so turning away potential talent because a nation has “too much talent” seems foolish. If people want to be successful, and they see moving to a new country as a means of doing so, I think it’s for the best.

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