Comment on Police weapons of choice by Erika

Yeah, this is extremely sad. I agree, I think that this was interpreted as a threat to the police but was really a threat to Scout themselves. The only person Scout wanted to cause harm to was Scout. I think it can be difficult to understand that in the moment, since they did have a knife and was walking toward the police, I can understand why the police thought that this was threatening. However, a bit more compassion and empathy can help try to identify that the situation was a bit more complex than that.

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Comment on Guns on campus, media and racial discrimination by Erika

I don’t really think the conversation should be focused on concealed gun laws, because he obviously didn’t care about being law-abiding since he wasn’t of age and didn’t have a license to carry that gun. I think we should be more worried about how this happened and how it was handled. As you mentioned, Daniels wasn’t handcuffed. How is that even possible??? Interestingly… I did some searching since I am from Texas and was curious about this person and found that he was from a well-known family in Seguin, TX. So it may have been about his status in addition to his race.

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