Comment on Police weapons of choice by Erika

Yeah, this is extremely sad. I agree, I think that this was interpreted as a threat to the police but was really a threat to Scout themselves. The only person Scout wanted to cause harm to was Scout. I think it can be difficult to understand that in the moment, since they did have a knife and was walking toward the police, I can understand why the police thought that this was threatening. However, a bit more compassion and empathy can help try to identify that the situation was a bit more complex than that.

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Comment on Guns on campus, media and racial discrimination by Erika

I don’t really think the conversation should be focused on concealed gun laws, because he obviously didn’t care about being law-abiding since he wasn’t of age and didn’t have a license to carry that gun. I think we should be more worried about how this happened and how it was handled. As you mentioned, Daniels wasn’t handcuffed. How is that even possible??? Interestingly… I did some searching since I am from Texas and was curious about this person and found that he was from a well-known family in Seguin, TX. So it may have been about his status in addition to his race.

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Comment on Social Media Blues by ctmccull

A phone call seems to get things done faster than an e-mail. I do feel that way about the civility of social media as well. Say what you want, because it is easy to hide behind a computer. It does seem to be amplifying the divides in society. Everyone needs to post some funny cat videos and mellow it back out.

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Comment on 5104- How much does $200 million quack? by Kristin

Interesting issue… it’s hard to maintain academic freedom and follow the most promising research paths if there is constant pressure from “the hand that feeds you” to focus on a particular thing, like integrative health. I do not have a particular opinion on any one of those practices listed in the NIH bar graph, but I would hope that the popularity of those practices would not be the guiding hand directing the research being performed at UC Irvine.


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Comment on The future of title IX by erinleighvt

This is disturbing. It baffles me that there appear to be rather lax punishments for rapists (ie, Brock Turner). Does anyone know the reason behind Devos suspending these regulations? Does she have something “better” in mind, or does the administration think the entire Title IX concept is a waste of government funding?

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Comment on Social Media Blues by dkketch

I have to say that I agree with you. I have always been an advocate about face-to-face contact. In my opinion, there seems to be a lose of meaning and sincerity when people are communicating via social media, email, texts, etc. Another observation I have is that most people will say anything on social media that they more than likely would not say to someone’s face. I feel like society is breaking down because of social media. But again, this is just my opinion.

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