Comment on Paulo Freire & Bell Hooks….educators I can stand by…..and an ode to Linda Brown….. by nordicgod

Good afternoon Ali,

YES! Thank you for the positive feedback and I’m glad you found the post applicable to your own life. So, how exactly do we actively spread our awareness when the inmates are running the asylum and we are held hostage in the system? I believe there must be a balance because obviously we want our Ph.D. but at the same time we have to stand up for ourselves and fight against the system to do what is right. I don’t question that the double sided blade in this scenario is dangerous on both ends as we either lose ourselves to the system and become part of the cycle or we win and exit the system but without a degree. Unfortunately, no one seems to care about the attrition rate here at VT because if they took five minutes to look at it they’d see there is a massive problem across all departments. They chalk it up to “they weren’t Ph.D. material” however the reality might be more along the lines of “they were tired of being mismanaged by professors who were lost to magical thinking and elitism”.


Cheers, Lehi

Comment on Paulo Freire & Bell Hooks….educators I can stand by…..and an ode to Linda Brown….. by Ali

Good afternoon Lehi,
Just wanted to tell you that you made many great points in your post. Among which, the point about improving the humanistic approach toward interacting with the students was captivating.
There are many actions in the classroom that I could classify them as “dehumanizing actions”, whether done consciously or not. However, the main concern is how the students are getting ” educated” by these actions. I believe the viscous cycle of “deriving primary pleasure in the classroom by exercising authoritarian power” needs to be stopped fully and the only way to go through that process is to actively enhance and spread our awareness.


Comment on How diversity can be worked by sogandmhz

Interesting blog! This is the same as what I also think about: what would happen if we incorporate diversity into my country; it definitely be chaos. But I think it is our responsibility as a young member of our society to promote diversity to reach the point that interacting with different people from the sociocultural background will be rewarding, not complicated or problematic.

Comment on A Visual Definition of Critical Pedagogy by sogandmhz

Thanks for this interesting blog post! I like that you use the visual aids to describe your definition of Critical Pedagogy. The most interesting one to me is the picture for banking model of teaching which is exactly what happened to me during elementary and high school. I think this type of teaching will completely ruin the creativity and critical thinking of the students.

Comment on A Visual Definition of Critical Pedagogy by Ali

Thank you all for this amazing work. I just wanted to tell you that we had similar concerns with you all in our table. The fact that in a number of questions there are no specific RIGHT answers was emphasized in our table. I would say these types of questions with no right answer helps students to have clear procedures encountering different issues, and also it is effective in their growth and education.