Comment on Emotional Support Animals by hlc3fd

I think animals that provide emotional support are helpful and can help students focus and relieve stress. Although dogs barking or whimpering in class can distract students I think we need to be more considerate in the benefit that they bring to students. Maybe we need to alter our thinking more to accept that some students need a therapy dog to perform daily tasks.

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Comment on Can You Say That You ♥ Your Job? by hlc3fd

I think we are trained from a young age to choose a profession that has meaning, yet pays the bills and more. Some of us will choose a job that we truly enjoy, but will have to sacrifice by picking up side jobs. Is it better work a job you hate that pays well or do something you love that pays less? I have some friends that will answer that question with a , yes. They then take more of an active role in developing their hobbies to compensate for the job they hate.

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