Comment on Factors Affecting Teaching by luisab93

Yes, I completely believe an institution has a lot of influence how instructors teach. Just one example I think of is InclusiveVT and how it is an institutional way of promoting inclusive environments in and outside of the classroom. This is the kind of influence that institutional leadership can have on how students feel and are being treated in the classroom. How can a student truly learn when they feel excluded? So yes definitely and institution can influence teaching styles.

Comment on Can I REALLY Be My Authentic Self While Teaching in the Classroom? by luisab93

Retweet retweet retweet! I can’t agree with you more. I feel that way many times and in many situations its about the choice we make and the reactions we will get from them. What and who we could loose and/or gain? When we speak up “passionately” about topics that deal with our identities we may make some uncomfortable but we may also inspire the next voice to speak up. We have to always remember that at least it is something that continues to push me to speak up. It is still sad though that we have to choose and observe when and where we can.

Comment on Are lectures beneficial to student learning? by luisab93

I appreciate that you shared your positive experiences with lectures because I think my biases lead me to not believe in them. I rarely hear of students sharing their positive experiences so this post was great to read! and also replying to Armin that I do also believe it can very much depend on the quality of the professors. I had classroom setting classes that I have also doze off in and it was very much due to professors not even trying to engage the class.

Comment on Shhh…! Students Are Sleeping! by luisab93

First, to answer your question. Yes, it definitely happened to me during my undergraduate years. I remember trying different seats (front, middle , back) to see if it helps. I began to even avoid the front because no matter how hard I tried to stay up I would still doze off and felt even more bad doing it in front of the professor. I share your opinion that we need lectures for certain classes (intro ones specially) but I do not find them effective. The ones that were more interactive had I-clicker quizzes but that was also a stress that I did not like. I work at El Centro in squires and many of the undergraduate students here in majors like mechanical engineering or CS spend their time watching other Youtube videos to relearn a subject already explained in a lecture.