Comment on Blogging is free, but… by neda

Hi Sevda and thanks for your brave post! I think all of us, deep down feel more comfortable when we are among our friends and family, sharing our thoughts with them; perhaps due to the fact that we are certain that even when they are in sharp contrast with us, they know who we are and would not judge us. However, I think more and more I blog I feel more comfortable of being judged by strangers! It is very helpful for my writing skill and even before that, expressing skills! Usually our close circle of people understand us, no matter how tired/lazy/clumsy we talk, but even those dear ones might misunderstand us when it comes to written words! My point is, although blogging seems an strenuous choir, it genuinely forces us to be as clear as possible, not merely in our writing but also in how we think and the way we convey those thoughts!

Comment on Simulation and Technology for Active Learning by neda

Thanks for your interesting post. It seems to me that these kind of experiences really help researchers to shape their questions more clearly and more to the point, beside letting them practice how to build better relations to their research subjects. Although, in the real-world context the power dynamic between the expert/researcher/even a PhD student and a farmer/rural resident/ etc. can be totally different and definitely influential on the process and the results of the investigation, yet, I believe simulation experiments such as the one you designed, are really beneficial and perhaps critical to ensure the quality of the research projects as well as elucidating the usually hidden ethical aspects involved in those.