Comment on Are we all good ol’ racists? by neda

Thank you Jyotsana for your comment and your suggestion. I read Chris’s post and I agree with him that in order to overcome our biases we should unpack our thoughts, understand the unreal associations we are thought, and then move forward to next! while being racist is not pleasant by no means, ignoring it and acting as nothing has happened or existed (as what happens in colorblindness) we only leave the cancer untreated! Acknowledgment is the first step!

Comment on If the stormtroopers weren’t all white by neda

Thank you for your interesting post! I agree with you about colorblindness and how tricky it could be! I think one of the important points is when we say people are different, what do we mean? at what level are we talking about? and again, when we consider humans as similar, in what terms are they alike? Yes, we all have different beliefs, traditions, physical features and etc. but we all are doing our best to make sense of this crazy world in order to survive, and maybe this is one of the similarities which tie us all together!