Comment on Mindful Learning by carteran

Matt, first thank you for your post! I completely agree, I often wonder about what we teach our students vs. how we teach it. Our educational system (primary, secondary and post-secondary) looks as students as receptacles and trash bins to dump information to. They don’t always take the time to allow students to concepts and knowledge and make meaning of what they’re learning for themselves. I’m so thankful to call you a colleague in the field and look forward to taking the higher education world by storm with you!

Comment on Teaching Through Children’s Storybooks by carteran

I absolutely love this idea! Your idea made me think about a set of children’s books that I’ve seen for African American girls. The series talks about issues that African American girls and young women face but talk about it in a way that young African American girls can relate to. Using children’s books to talk about intense topics is great for students because is forces them to normalize a topic and speak in human terms to someone who may not understand.

Comment on It’s Not ‘What’ You Do, It’s ‘How’ You Do It by Ashley Carter

Thank you for your post! I love what you said about, “Facts and truth are important, yes, however learning is more than just the information”. I wish more teachers and professors felt this way. I’m a firm believer that education is about learning information to regurgitate, it’s how you learn and process said information. Teachers and professors need to be more mindful of their students learning. Learning should be a journey with amongst both the students and the teachers. The students are the captains of the ship and the professors are the first mates. It’s our job to guide students in their journey of learning.


Comment on It’s Not ‘What’ You Do, It’s ‘How’ You Do It by Ashley Carter

Thank you for your post! I love what you said about, “Facts and truth are important, yes, however learning is more than just the information”. I wish more teachers and professors felt this way. I’m a firm believer that education is about learning information to regurgitate, it’s how you learn and process said information. Teachers and professors need to be more mindful of their students learning. Learning should be a journey with amongst both the students and the teachers. The students are the captains of the ship and the professors are the first mates. It’s our job to guide students in their journey of learning.
