Comment on My Teaching Style by Tami Amos

Thanks for the post. We all have certain ways of do things, but as an educator I believe it is important to teach to the population that you serve. I say this because your style may not be the best approach to reaching students. Once again, getting to know your class (relationship building) being creative and meeting students where they are is the key to successful learning.

Comment on Factors Affecting Teaching by Tami Amos

Institutional limitations…better known as the State. The State set guidelines of how students should be taught and how they should learn, but the majority of the people who are setting these guidelines have never set foot in a classroom as a teacher or building administrator. These individuals, who less likely have a degree in education, are able to tell the expert, the highly qualified teacher what and how to teach.

Comment on Keep Calm and Dismantle the Grading System? by Tami Amos

Thanks for your post. In today’s educational world our students have become nothing but numbers or letters. Students are praised when they take test and pass with high scores, but what about those students who didn’t pass but made progress. They should be celebrated as well. I feel that letter grades and test scores will either build up ones confidence or lower the confidence level. A students identity should not be based on a grade or test score. As educators, our priority should be whether students receive, retain and able to apply information given. They should not be penalized for not being able to catch on as fast as their peers. We all have different learning styles.