Surprise! Freire is Still Relevant

Reading through some of Freire’s thoughts and ideas and hearing them from him in an interview has been interesting.  Critical thinking and moving away from the sage on the stage views of education have been going on since I started grad school. Rarely though does this come up in class.  Frequently this is what I […]

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“Nah, I was Listening”

Sorry, but I fall asleep like in lectures like it was my job.  I don’t think it’s just being an abnormally large human in a tiny seat or anything do to with the lecture but… Temperature:  yeah, that does it for me. Too hot; out Too cold; out It keeps changing though.  I can be psyched […]

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Re: Impersonal Inter-personal Communication

Fwd:Fwd:Who Reads These Anyway? So I’m a scientist, right?  Less test tubes and discovery and more reading and communication than you might think.  My biggest job is to communicate, with people, almost constantly.  Its not enough to make a pretty poster for a conference once a year, and maybe put together a 10 minute talk. […]

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