Comment on What is school for? by Rabih

Thank you for your post. I liked your post and I agree with what you said. Students should be taught how to learn and look for the truth, not just learn facts that they might forget later. They should be stimulated to get creative and innovative because they’re excited about the material and they love it, not because there is an exam that they should pass.

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Comment on Am I Prepared for Work by Rabih

Thank you for your post. I like the point that you raised and I understand what you’re feeling. I think part of the problem is that students are not trained in a problem-based leaning way to teach them how to solve any problem that faces them, instead of just throwing facts at them.

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Comment on The Value of Education  by Rabih

Thank you for your post. I liked your post and I agree with what you said. People should definitely think about why they are going to college (and grad school) instead of stopping and starting a business, which might end up making them more money. It all depend on their view of life and what their long term goals are.

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Comment on Guns Don’t Belong on Campus… by Alex Noble

I totally agree with you. I would find guns on campus a distraction and it would definitely lower my ability to learn and retain material. Students would feel on edge constantly, it wouldn’t make anyone feel safe. that’s not the way you want a classroom environment to feel. Professors would also be on edge – there would be a lot of negative repercussions to having guns on campus.

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Comment on Realizing the importance of humanities education by akin01

Nice post that I really connect with. This is my third engineering degree and I couldn’t have done it without my musical background. I’ve had so many eureka moments (solving some engineering problem) while practising a piece that I really cannot see myself without my art. Take the art from me and the engineering falls apart. Arts (liberal or performing) and STEM are seen as mutually exclusive vocations in most parts of the world. Men are discouraged from doing anything artsy while women are discouraged from science and math. Hence people end up with lives not lived to its full.

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