Author: cgwoodward

Comment on Episode 3: Revenge of the Reds by cgwoodward

Every week I come back to your blog just to see if you have continued with the video at the end, I am never disappointed! This was a great post with great detail! In the midterm paper I talked about the importance of the army and how their actions affected the Soviet power. It was great to see that someone else agrees that they had vast impacts!

Comment on The Emancipation of Soviet Citizens from Religion by cgwoodward

The whole idea of the Church being controlled by the state is foreign to me as we, in the United States, are so adamant about their separation. As I was reading your post I kept thinking to myself “this can’t be going well..people can’t be okay with this.” As I reached the end of your post I saw that they indeed, were not. The Bolshevik’s takeover of the Church just looks to me like a power grab, they didn’t want anyone else swaying the ideas of the populace, and thus decided to control anyone and anything with the ability to do so.

Comment on Young Communists and Young Thug by cgwoodward

This is a really important point! Children play a crucial role in the futures of countries and the Bolshevik’s knew they had to gain their support. But I wonder what happened to the kids who didn’t believe them? Who knew of the exploitation and hard times prior to the revolution; did the Bolsheviks really expect them all to agree and go along with it, without question?

Comment on I Want You for Red Army by cgwoodward

I really appreciate this comment! I hadn’t thought of the larger idea of the poster of approaching the common man for a larger goal, but now that you have brought it to my attention I completely agree with you.

Comment on Order No. 1 by cgwoodward

I agree with Bree! You did a great job of adding onto class material to give us a better understanding of Order No. 1. I was stuck between making my blog post about this or about the Red Army and I am glad to see the additional information that I was interested in finding! With regard to honorifics, I think that the system of rankings that the United States military has implemented is a healthy middle ground between “your excellency” and the complete equality of “comrade.”

Comment on Lenin’s Soviet Children by cgwoodward

Starting with the children, in my opinion, was a genius move on Lenin’s part for exactly the reasons that you mentioned: they don’t remember the hardships or revolutions because they didn’t live through it like the older generations. Further, children can easily be swayed one direction or another, thus educating them within a socialist ideology will more than likely led to their belief in the ideals of socialism.

Comment on I Want You for Red Army by cgwoodward

I think that I have updated my post to more accurately reflect Trotsky’s role in the transformation of the Red Guard to the Red Army. Thank you for pointing out my mistake so that I could correct it!