Author: edinerjim

Comment on I’m Not Drunk, You’re Drunk! by edinerjim

Interesting Post, I think its funny that the government tried very hard, to prevent the people from drinking, but Russians being Russians they still found a way to get alcohol and drink. Especially since the economy was so bad, and alcohol is one of those substances, that can, unfortunately, helps one get through the hard times. Its no wonder that the public outcry and negative effect resulted in the campaign being cancelled only two years later.

Comment on The Baltic Independence Movement by edinerjim

Hearing how civil disobedience overcame such odds reminds me of our own Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and how he was able to use civil disobedience as a great tool to effect significant change and become free, just like the Baltic states.

Comment on Aw (Foe)y What Have We Done by edinerjim

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan not only caused distress in the region but had long-lasting effects that we are still dealing with today. For example, as we all know the U.S. and Russia have never been on as good talking terms as they were during détente, not only that but the resistant fighters we created during the conflict end up attacking up on 9/11. Leading to our own invasion and partial occupation of Afghanistan. Do you think that if we didn’t help the Mujahideen, that the Soviets would have still left Afghanistan?

Comment on Khrushchev’s War on Religion by edinerjim

Interesting Post, I am sure many religious leaders were at first excited when Khrushchev took power and began to soften the state’s grip on the nation. However, as you explain religious life under Khrushchev was no better than under Stalin.

Comment on Rain Makes Corn by edinerjim

I made a post about the same topic, it was very unfortunate that the Soviets were never able to effectively produce corn, as it would have greatly helped their economy. Khrushchev visiting America was also a massive diplomatic achieve meant as it was the first time a Soviet leader had visited the United States or a goodwill tour, something that would never have under a Leninist or Stalinist regime.

Comment on The Corn Man by edinerjim

The Soviet people were upset about switching to Corn in the first place, so when it failed it only added to their suspicion and lack of trust in Khrushchev’s decision making.

Comment on Sputnik Revisited by edinerjim

Interesting post, space exploration is one of the most exciting things to me. It’s always been impressed that the Soviets were able to stay ahead of the United States, just like Caroline mentioned. This also marked the begining of the space race that would change the world forever.

Comment on Soviet Successors by edinerjim

I actually did the same topic that you did. From what I have gathered I don’t know if you found the same thing, but it seems like it was a good thing that Beria didn’t become head of the country. From what I’ve read it looks like he would have been as bad if not worse then Stalin about the purges, even though he claimed to be a “liberal” reformer. I was wondering if you’ve seen the movie “Death of Stalin.” Its a dark yet comedic movie about these very events.