Author: ethanr1949

Comment on Kornilov’s Attempted Coup Backfired Worse Than He Ever Could Have Imagined by ethanr1949

It really is a shame that the Kornilov Affair undermined the Provisional Government as well as the authority of Alexander Kerensky. It seems the Provisional Government, so loose in power, was always destined to fail as Russia had experienced such authority under the Tsars for the past 300 years. Russia needed a firm organization to lead it, and the Bolsheviks provided just that.

Comment on Community Within a Divided Country by ethanr1949

Great photo, I enjoyed how you ending your blog post, with an ominous twist of community yet division within Russia. I am glad you included the historical context of what was going on in Russia as well as your photo. I think including the background knowledge greatly emphases the importance of your work and the image.

Comment on The Russian Cowboy and the Murmansk Railroad by ethanr1949

Absolutely awed by the detail in this image. I am real glad that you picked this photo. It’s very cool how you can see a glimpse into these guards lives. I imagine by the simplicity of their clothes and lacking uniforms, that those men with the swords fought in the revolution, and not on the side of the Whites. It’s a shame that the industrialization came to late and at such a cost to the Russian people.

Comment on Hut of a Settler by ethanr1949

I enjoyed that you used two separate pictures to compare and contrast the lifestyle and architecture of Russia at the time. Goes to show the vast difference in economic status people lived under in the wake of the end of serfdom. Although a monastery, you can still see where the Orthodox values of Russian society remain, as well as the importance of, or the lack there of, the peasants.