Author: ethanr1949

Comment on The lads of Liubertsy by ethanr1949

Really neat post, I enjoyed reading about the Liubers. It is very interesting to think that this was a reaction to young adult western culture, which in itself was a reaction to the adult establishment. When I think of 1980’s American rock, I think of that loud “stick it to the man” mentality. So it is very interesting how the Liubers are apart of a counter counter culture. I also think it is funny that they sell the clothes to make a profit, how western!

Comment on Lots of Problems with Alcohol by ethanr1949

I agree, when I first started reading your post, the first thing I thought about was the American 18th Amdenednt and the era of prohibition. You later touched on it, and the impacts. I think it is very interesting how it worked in the Soviet Union but had the negative attribute of tax loss. It is somewhat ironic how after all that, money talked and the policies would end.

Comment on Excuse me while I have a quick meltdown by ethanr1949

Love the title, very appropriate especially while we enter finals week here at school. I think your comparison to 9/11 and the impact it had on people was very interesting. Especially how it took Soviet leadership 3 weeks to respond to the crisis. Your comment about how American’s felt in the wake of 9/11, was also important, there would have been a tremendous uproar and the questioning of government if the President of the United States had waited so long to speak up. It does really show the impact that this event had on the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Comment on Just Another Proxy War by ethanr1949

Claire, great post, really found this was interesting and intriguing. I am also a fan of how relaxed you make your writing sound. It is somewhat of a conundrum how after all that fighting, and a occupation of 10 years, the US thought it too could figure out how to invade Afghanistan. It says a lot about the relationship the US and the USSR had with other countries during the Cold War and the Cold War mentality that followed after. It is crazy how far they were both willing to go during the Cold War to ensure regime change was beneficial. I know they did a lot in Latin Ameria, it is interesting the Soviets had not learned of the mistakes the US made during Vietnam.

Comment on Blog 6 – Russian for the Summer Olympics by ethanr1949

Very cool post. I think it is very interesting how the Soviet Union went out and beautified parts of their country to impress the visiting countries. I know most countries go out of there way to ensure visiting people are impressed by the show put on during the Olympics. The first thing I thought about when I saw your blog post title was the Russian Olympics in Sochi and how there were issues with stray dogs and the horrible things they were doing to them. It seems ironic how much work the Russians have to do to put on a show to the rest of the world.

Comment on Come Fly With Us by ethanr1949

Great post, I really enjoyed the in-depth background you gave to your post. The pictures were an added bonus for sure. I think it is really cool how Pan Am used this opportunity to show off the capitalist ideology of America. It is curious how effective this was in the political relationship between the two countries.

Comment on Betrayal at the Kremlin! by ethanr1949

Great post Claire, I really enjoyed it! I liked how you worded this post and made it same very personal to the reader. Very unique! I don’t think a lot of communists were expecting the de-Stalinization “Secret Speech”. I wonder why after all those years of serving under Stalin he was so quick to change things, why remain so loyal if you didn’t agree? I guess you did it to avoid being sent to a camp!

Comment on Shoot For The Moon. Even If The Cosmonaut Misses He’ll Land Among The Stars by ethanr1949

You picked a really cool topic. It is really neat listening to my dad talking about being a kid when we landed on the moon. He was a teenager at the time and it was a huge deal to him and his friends. I can imagine how impressive this was to entire generations of young communists and how they came to view the system they lived in.

Comment on Rain Makes Corn by ethanr1949

Its a real shame for the communists, its seems when things are just looking up, a massacre happens. It is very interesting to read about US relations with the USSR in the 1950’s as well as Kruschev’s time in America. It’s intriguing to read about how the US would hold grain over the head of the Soviet Union throughout its history. It is very peculiar that we were willing to help teach them about corn.

Comment on A Dog Called Laika by ethanr1949

Neat picture. Laika looks happy, a real shame what happened to her! It is very interesting the Soviets sought to send up a dog. I do think it ironic that they sent her up without a plan for re-entry, it seems just kind of like a thing the Soviets would do, not see the big picture or the full impact of their actions. They could get the rocket up ok, but not keep the dog alive.