Author: nhinguyen14

Comment on Power to the People by nhinguyen14

Great post! It emphasized the importance of this new economic policy. I do wonder why War Communism didn’t implement something similar to this if the NEP seemed to immediately fixed all of the food and economic problems. It was also good to point out that this helped Lenin infiltrate the government to lead the people; it helped him leave an impact.

Comment on One Venti Misogyny Latte with a Shot of Cynicism by nhinguyen14

The title, I love it! I liked this because it talks about the transformation of the role of women in the revolution. It seemed they were making waves in the 1917 revolutions by arguing high prices of bread rations, but this talks about their role afterwards. I love how you put photos of the posters – it emphasizes and supports your argument that women were only taken seriously if they “embodied masculinity.” It was good to help visualize.

Comment on It was the Best of Times and it was the Worst of Times by nhinguyen14

WOW! What a post!! I love the pun in the name and the cover photo; it made me laugh. I love your post because the entertainment and media aspect is not something that is commonly looked at when talking about the February and October revolutions of Russia. This was really unique for that reason, but in addition, you added examples and photos of what you were talking about. I liked how you focused on escapism and how “…a number of intellectuals and Bolsheviks saw sex itself was a distraction from the suffering and exploitation.” This demonstrates great reasons why Russia’s mass culture transformed in the way that it did. Great post, I love this!!

Comment on Revolution and Consequences by nhinguyen14

I wrote my blog on Nicholas II, in which his abdication led to the February Revolution. I enjoyed reading this because it taught me about the October Revolution, something that I did not do much research upon. I thought the post was very easy to understand and overall, a very summary of what happened!

Comment on Community Within a Divided Country by nhinguyen14

I really like this photo because it shows the non-industrialized side of Russia. I like the history of the serfdom freedom in Russia and that’s what is depicted in the photograph. It is interesting to see familial generations participating in haying and everyone is doing their specialized jobs.

Comment on Church of the Resurrection by nhinguyen14

This is cool!! I like the photo because it is typical Russia, especially when you think of Moscow, you think of Hershey kiss shaped domes. I like how you went into detail not only about the physical appearance but also on the history of it. Any idea on why the church closed?

Comment on The Russian Cowboy and the Murmansk Railroad by nhinguyen14

I also did a photograph of the Murmansk Railroad, so I thought it was cool seeing this other photo of it! It took them 3 years to build the railroad and it was neat that Prokudin-Gorskii was a part of it. There was a labor shortage as well in which they had to use German and Austrian prisoners to build. This was a cool photo and I liked how you added why a railroad connecting the capitol to a port is beneficial.